Angie Huang Week 16 Memories of a Decade

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In ten years it´ll be 2032, and most of us will have finished high school and maybe even graduated college. In ten years some of us may get married and start our own families; others may have gone through their third breakup; while some others may have yet to commit to a relationship. In ten years hopefully all of us will be chasing our dreams and rising in our careers. 

A decade may not seem like a long time, but a person can undergo various changes within this 10 year period of time. If you think back, try to remember what you were like 10 years ago, it is very likely that you may not remember your past self clearly. Although you may forget what you ate for lunch everyday, you may however, remember your third grade birthday parties, or family vacations that you went on when you were little. This form of selective memory occurs as humans are more likely to remember events that hold valuable significance in their lives. 

So, in 10 years, what will you remember? Will you remember the friends you hung out with everyday in high school? Will you remember the time spent studying for tests and completing assignments late at night at 1 am? Or maybe you’ll remember your prom experience, team sports, and school clubs. Nevertheless, chances are, that your high school self will prove insignificant to your future self. So, although grades and tests are important, learn to let go and enjoy your high school experience, as it will not come again. 



  1. Hi Angie,
    I like that there is a very important message underlaying your blog post. Grades may be important to for college, but happiness should be on top. Childhood experiences are something that you are never going to get back. I do not want to look back on my life filled with regret that I did not do the things that I wanted to because I was too stressed out or upset. I have huge FOMO, which is a good and bad thing because it allows me to make sure that I go out and participate in fun activities, but it also encourages unwanted negative thoughts about my life compared to others. In 10 years from now, I want to look back and think that my childhood self would be so proud of the person that I have become. That is my goal for the future.

  2. This is a desperately-needed reminder as I am currently drowning in a sea of homework assignments and studying in preparation for finals. I think remembering how selective memory works is important as well, as it is prudent to understand that it is not always possible to put the past behind us. The things we do now will certainly matter in ten years!

  3. Hi Angie, it is very compelling (but also a little scary) to try and consider what we remember and what we might forget over the span of ten years. Your post serves as an excellent reminder to value the present and seek out experiences that will be remembered ten years into the future. After all, we only have one year of high school left, so it's definitely the time to make the most of it.

  4. Hi Angie, I really enjoyed the topic of your blog as you mentioned many important aspects and questions regarding our futures. Personally, thinking of the future and if I will be successful or not scares me but my precious memories of my friends, family, and events will help reassure me. I would like to remember many of the trips that I went on with my family or the small inside jokes that I share with my friends and many more things.

  5. Hi Angie, your blog further proved that our memories of things from the past can hold great value, as these specific memories may be linked with a certain mood. Thinking of fun memories with your friends during school may lead you to be happy, while remembering that you studied really hard for a test yet you did bad on it is something that could lead you to be upset. Nevertheless, some memories are best if they are not forgotten.

  6. Hi Angie, interesting take on memory for this blog. for the record, a decade has always felt like a long time. However, as we get older, it seems as if the days go by faster. who knows what we will remember of this brief time in our lives. Maybe it's enough that we enjoy it, so that we don't regret what we didn't do.

  7. Hey Angie, personally in ten years I hope to be able to remember all of my friends and to have enough of this selective memory to remember all of the fun times I have had during high school even during the pandemic. As we continue with our lives I hope to be able to remember every thing that holds significance and that is important not only to me but also to my friends.

  8. Hi Angie, I hope that in 10 years I can improve in all aspects of my life. I also hope that I remember everything that helps me become the person I will be. I also know that many things will change, like the place I live, my friends, and many more. But hopefully, I can remember everything.


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