Jerome Arbee Week 12: Empowered Entitlement

 7 March 2022

Empowered Entitlement

We all have had our experience with an entitled person, a typical Keren if you will. We all know about the classic short blond haircut and the "I want your manager haircut". These people are the bane of all retail or food workers' lives and job environments'. The power that these people have is the scourge of a lot of people's existence. Their power is figurative and based on the sole laws that run business establishments. These powers they have are based on the fear these workers have towards their bosses and losing their jobs because of these Kerens and their temper tantrums that reflect small children when they do not get their way. The power they have is a power of superficial proportions that can be and is often used for the displeasure of others and the enjoyment of these Kerens. The power of a Keren at its core is the standard that is "The customer is always right" when clearly and logically that is not correct or close to accurate. This power is often used to the dismay of many workers just like other powers such as tyranny and authoritarian rule. The power some would argue is comparable to a dictatorship in the sense that these people feel that they have absolute power against these workers to order them around and make demands of them. Everyone knows the dreaded phrase that has power over workers invoking fear in their hearts the horrid “Can I speak to your manager” this is simply the the tip of the power Kerens hold this absolute entitlement is a true power to fear especially if you are a worker in the retail or food industries.


  1. Hi Jerome, I found your blog to be very informative. I think there is some truth to what you said about the power of entitlement. Entitlement itself is a power, but comes in a form which is given by others. You cannot feel entitled unless other people make you feel entitled. Therefore, the power of entitlement goes two ways.

  2. Hi Jerome,
    There is an incredible amount of power in arrogance and entitlement, and some people tend to take this to their advantage. They know that anything they say will usually go as says because they are making a fit out of it. They are trying to cause fear and chaos, which as you said, is the basis of dictatorship. It is unacceptable that a lot of their actions are let go.

  3. Hi Jerome, I think you perfectly captured many different things in your blog alone. Using a classic Karen as an example is super brilliant, and it really made me think of how Karens abuse their power. By being fussy, putting others down, etc., they are getting their way. They may get what they want, but at the end of the day, they are still unliked.

  4. Hi Jerome, I found your blog on the power of arrogance and using a Keren as an example an interesting take on power. Many people try to use the power of arrogance privilege to their advantage which ends up hurting others around them. With the example you mentioned in your blog, which is very prevalent in today's society, it is clear to see the dangers of being too arrogant and selfish.

  5. Hi Jerome, the example you brought up in your post is a great way to show how power can be abused when used carelessly. Sometimes, many of these "Karens" do not understand the full extent of what they are doing due to willful ignorance, and selfishly exercise a power they have without considering its effects. Similarly, we all have different kinds of powers that we can exercise as easily as taking a breath, but it is still important to consider their effects on those around us.

  6. Hi Jerome, this is an interesting way to portray power. Karens definitely think they have all the power in the world and it can be annoying beyond belief. Still, it could teach us a lot about the power of confidence, and giving power to yourself. You just need to be careful how you use it.

  7. Hi Jerome, I think Karens have the most power in the world. When they ask to speak to the manager, they feel like they are asking the king to leave their throne and speak to them. Furthermore, according to other sources believing in yourself is power and nobody has more belief in themselves than Karens. So, therefore, Karens are the most powerful species on this planet.


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