Week 15 - Amani Khanna: The Role of Memory!

 What would happen if we could not create memories? What would that limitation even look like? In psychology I learned that damage to significant parts of the brain connected memory formation and processing, such as the hippocampus, can make a lasting impact on someone's life. After an accident that took a toll on parts of his brain, one man could not even recognize his own face because he only remembered what he looked like before the accident. However, he did not stay distraught for long because after a short time he forgot what he began being worried about. He is living in a short-term memory bubble. Not having the capacity to remember information would equate to a loss of identity and that is an extremely scary concept. Experiencing the events that life throws at us, including but not limited to various emotions and obstacles, allows us to grow as human beings. Dealing with complex problems helps us with future decision making, encourages resilience in hard times, and promotes vital development in adolescents. Imagine having a task to complete for school or work but forgetting to do it. The next time you get the task, most likely you would write it down in a notebook to remember. Though, for people with the memory issue this would not work because they would not even remember to look back in the book. I could not imagine living my life without memories. They are extremely valuable, not just for recollection of good times, but for everyday life. 


  1. Hi Amani's it's pretty crazy how memory can be wiped extremely quickly just from one accident, causing an individual to have to let go of everything they were once able to remember. Without memories, we wouldn't be able to recall our most joyous, exciting, sad, or sorrowful moments; and personally, I think moments like those are the ones I want to always remember.

  2. Hi Amani, the idea of losing the ability to create memories is definitely a scary one to consider. Like you've mentioned in your blog, memories are often what allows us to grow from our mistakes and experiences. Not only would it be incredibly inconvienient to constantly forget the task at hand, but it would also lead to a serious loss of identity and self.

  3. Hi Amani, I never considered what would happen if we could not make memories. The example of the man who could not remember anything, even his own face, after the accident seems like a horrifying way to live. Memories are very important in our lives and help us do many basic tasks.I could not imagine my life without my memories either.

  4. My brain is filled with memory-related terms, and after the AP Psychology exam I never want to see the word “hippocampus” again. But as much as I would rather forget them, facts about memory and memory itself are incredibly important. I remember learning about Henry Molaison, who for years was only known as “H.M.” because of his utter innocence--how scary, but also freeing!

  5. Hi Amani, this was an interesting blog. I can't think of anything scarier than losing your memory, I can't imagine what that must feel like. I still don't know much about the brain and I am interested to learn more. This is a topic I love learning about, so thank you for your blog.

  6. Hi Amani, I really enjoyed reading your blog, and I found it to be very relatable. I agree that our memories are an integral part of our life experiences as humans. Memories are not merely a recollection of events, they carry happiness, pain, conflict, and joy. These emotions are often overlooked, and I think it is important to recognize the significance of our memories.

  7. Hey Amani, I agree that memory is a major part of anyone's emotional and metal development. I can also agree that memory helps with the brains developmental stages and also helps and is the basis of common sense.

  8. Hi Amani, I think that memories are something that no one should live without. No one should be robbed of the ability to remember what food to buy or being able to revisit old memories for joy. Memories are also one thing that every living thing has in common. Humans, dogs, and almost all other animals have memories. Memories are essential to life, and no one should lose their ability to formulate or recall them.


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