Natasha Anguelouch Week #12: Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

 I would like to focus again on a positive aspect of power. This specific form of power is something that literally everybody and everything, even inanimate objects, possesses. That power lies in our collective ability to make others happy, if only briefly.

Yesterday my cat followed me around the house nonstop from the time I came home to when I went to bed. This was incredibly flattering because, in my humble opinion, being a cat’s favorite is one of the highest honors a person can be blessed with. But it is interesting to think that this tiny cat inadvertently and single handedly made my day in a matter of minutes. I am sure that if a squeaky-voiced cat can make such a difference, we higher-level thinkers certainly can too, even through simple gestures like smiling at friends or holding doors for others.

But there is a caveat. For this “power” to truly be impactful, it is important to meet the so-called giver of positivity halfway. In other words, a pretty flower cannot actually brighten your day unless you let it! You give the flower power by noticing its beauty, and receive a better mood in return. In essence, one must first notice positivity in order to absorb it.

This explains how both external and internal language play such significant roles in determining peoples’ perspectives of the world. If a person generally makes an effort to maintain a positive attitude they will be more likely to notice and benefit from moments as seemingly insignificant as a cat rubbing against their legs. And they will be more likely to respond to this cat’s efforts by petting it and brightening its day in turn, thus perpetuating the cycle of goodwill. 


  1. Hi Natasha, I found your blog to be very adorable and bright. As the pressures placed on people are very high these days, it is important to appreciate the simple things in life. To find happiness in the most unlikely of situations allows a person to be optimistic about the things they do in life. The little things in life hold more power than we accredit them to.

  2. Hi Natasha, I also think having a pet follow you around is extremely amazing and definitely something to be proud of; as we all know, cats are hard to please sometimes. I love how you transitioned from this to the flower analogy; I think that was super clever! I agree that things can't "take place" unless you let them.

  3. Hi Natasha,
    The happiness that comes with the delivering end of the spectrum is also incredibly powerful. Making people happy makes me feel fulfilled. I love making sure that everyone around me is doing okay. It makes me feel good to know that people can reply on me to make them feel valued. Additionally, making time for others while still taking care of myself has a positive impact on my life as well. If the people around me stay happy, then I do too and that is the most important thing in life.

  4. Hi Natasha, I found your take on power to be very interesting as well as inspiring. These little things that either make our day or ruin them hold a lot of power over us. I also really liked the flower analogy as it is a small thing that many people do not care to notice. Overall, it is important to maintain a positive attitude towards things in life because your attitude can affect others and inspire them as well.

  5. Hi Natasha, I think that the idea of meeting positivity halfway is really interesting. Most of the powers we have discussed as a group involve exerting some form of influence in a one-way relationship, but in reality, some of the most powerful interactions in life require a positive effort from both parties involved. It is easy to fall into a trap of fruitlessly searching for positivity with a negative mindset, which is why it is important to remember that change begins with the self.

  6. Hi Natasha, I greatly appreciated your blog about the power of positivity. I love how your cat followed you around, you are right it is the highest honor for a cat to like you. I never really thought of positivity as a power, but now that you brought it up, I guess it must be. After all, without positivity, there would be no progress, none of the things that make life worth living either. Positivity is a power indeed, and a powerful one at that.

  7. Hi Natasha, I like how you focused on a positive topic for this blog post. One power that not many people utilize is making others happy. It is too common in our society to make fun of or unintentionally bully other people for any reason. We do not even realize and think that it is just common jokes, but these jokes do affect the other person.

  8. Hey Natasha, I loved how you got us hooked on the topic through the use of your cat and introduced the power to make people happy. I personally love using this power because making others happy also makes me happy and I can relate to u with the analogy of your cat because my dog will do the same thing and she just loves to play and cuddle with everyone she meets.


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