Jerome Arbee Week #13: Nostalgic Normality

Nostalgic Normality

We all remember our childhood differently however I think we can all agree that there are some memories we all have in common. Nostalgia is defined as "a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations" ( We can all remember a few things collectively. these things can range from the warm loving hugs from your parents when your sick, or those nights spent at summer camp around the fire telling stories, roasting marshmallows on a fire with your family while they laugh and tell funny stories, or even the memories of going on the family trip to Disneyland and riding all the rides and enjoying the fun childlike wonder of the Disney parks. We all experience a sentimental feeling when remembering memories like these. It is this Nostalgia that is a normal feeling that everyone feels and is most of the time seen as a good memory. These memories lined with happy emotions we wish to return to are just that memories and as happy as they are sadly we cannot return to them. However, that's what the future is for. We can always make more happy memories to  further reminisce on becoming nostalgic of our own accord. These memories however make us who we are and reflect the happiest moments in our life or points of stability that is why we long to go back to them and to relive these events. What events do you find the most nostalgia with and if you could would you go back to relive these memories?


  1. Hi Jerome, I read your blog, and I find your description of nostalgia to be very calming. Oftentimes in life we look to the happy times of our past, the good memories in particular. Many times we are trapped in the illusion that we can relive the events that have passed, but the reality is that we can only continue on with our lives and hope to create more memories worth remembering.

  2. Hi Jerome, I found your blog on nostalgia to be very interesting and liked how you described nostalgia in a bittersweet way. Happy childhood memories are often calming and remind people about the fun and precious times they have had with family and friends. However, the bitter aspect would be the longing to go back to that time and stay there. Since this is not possible, it is better to focus on the present and continue to create those happy and nostalgic memories.

  3. The cute filter on the picture you included is simple but, I feel, conveys the feeling of nostalgia perfectly. Everything is slightly distorted in those happy memories, with a glittery tint. I also appreciate your view of nostalgia, that memories are not to be looked back on with bitterness at not being able to return, but with hope for what happiness the future will bring.

  4. Hi Jerome,
    I think that you described nostalgia perfectly. Remembering childhood events often bring a calming and secure feeling, which is part of the reason that we have them in our memory for a long period of time. Sometimes when I am feeling sad, I recall these events and it instantly fixes my mood!

  5. Hi Jerome, certain sounds, smells, and tastes can quickly take me back to a certain period in my life, and that's what I consider nostalgia. Our brains are so hardworking and fascinating, that it can recognize the connection a certain sense has with a specific time in our lives. Sometimes, these memories are painful, but for the most part, I love thinking about how things uses to be and how they are now.

  6. Hi Jerome, I liked how uplifting your blog was. It is comforting to realize that our minds subconsciously remind us of good times when we need it. As well as the fact that we can always make new memories. Still it is dangerous to get stuck in the past, lest we forget about the future. In life, we always have to move forward, and while nostalgia is a nice treat once in a while, it is not healthy to stay there when we could find new things that make us happy.

  7. Hi Jerome, I really appreciate that you talked about nostalgia in your post because I think that it is one of the most powerful ways that memories manifest themselves in our daily lives. The power of nostalgia, like you've addressed in your post, is apparent: it can easily put us into a pensive, wistful mood that seeks to reclaim what has already passed. Although nostalgia often has a sadder connotation to it, I think that it is also an important motivating influence. It encourages us to keep making even more memories in the future, ones worthy of being nostalgic over.

  8. Hi Jerome, I think that the concept of nostalgia is something that everyone feels. I think that it is excellent. The ability to revisit past events and still feel some of the joy that you felt in that moment helps, especially in moments where you are feeling sad. Recently I had nostalgia over a restaurant that I used to go to. Nostalgia is something that hopefully everyone experiences every day.


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