Food is Fuel- Siya Patil (Week 12)

 Food is Fuel

Siya Patil

Week 12- APENG P5

    You may commonly hear the words “food is fuel” by your parents or others around you, encouraging you to eat nutritious food which is also correctly portioned. Interestingly, food contains much more power than just filling your stomach up and keeping you content and energized for the next few hours; the nutrients consumed can have a long-lasting positive impact on your body as well. 

“Fuel” can have many different interpretations, such as gas for cars. Without the gas sitting in the car tanks, we wouldn’t be able to go to our favorite places all in the comfort of sitting in an air-conditioned or warm car for an hour or so. 

Similarly, food holds as much power as gas does as well. If you were to skip on that energy bar and salad after school right before your track meet, you’d probably not perform as well as you would have performed if you nourished your body with what it needs in order to perform well in a physical activity. 

According to a food blog called Clean and Delicious, your body has great connections with “real, whole, natural, minimally processed” foods which ensure multiple benefits for your body. And, while we’re still young, it’s important for us to eat enough and eat healthy as an article by SickKids states that we need “extra nutrients to support bone growth, hormonal changes, and organ and tissue development, including the brain.” So, in reality, food is fuel, and therefore possesses a lot of power over ourselves. With proper nutrition, and balancing between different types of diets, we can guarantee ourselves a successful adulthood with healthy hearts and brains. That being said, the power food can have over us can turn negative with disordered habits; that’s why, I like seeing food as my friend and supporter as I make my way through my teen years, and I hope you guys do too!

Photo Source:
Information Source:,lower%20the%20risk%20of%20obesity.
Information Source #2:


  1. Hi Siya, I really enjoyed reading your blog, and I am happy that you see food as your friend and companion. As the beauty standards in today’s age are very cruel, many people will turn a blind eye to the importance of food. In addition to its vast nutrients, food provides the basic energy for a person to function. We can choose our intake, but it is vital to eat regularly.

  2. I love this positive take on eating! It is silly that I feel the need to say that, considering that eating is a survival function, but more often than not the action is almost villainized. I also really like your assertion that food is a friend. It should be simple enough to remember because food keeps us alive but unfortunately many would not agree. I hope that over time, as awareness surrounding eating disorders grows, more people will adopt your perspective.

  3. Hi Siya,
    Everyone has heard the sayings "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" or "people who eat are always the best people", but not many people truly understand the meaning of them. Breakfast kick starts our day, gives us the metabolism we need, and has many other health benefits. I, for one feel ten times better after I have had a good breakfast versus if I leave school on an empty stomach. I am extremely tired, and I do not feel like talking to anyone. If I go an entire school day without food, I feel dizzy. Not eating can impact my entire day.

  4. Hi Siya, I really liked your take on food and the importance of food. I also agree with this positive take because food is one of our physiological needs and not having a nutritious diet can lead to many negative side effects. It was nice to see how you emphasized food as a friend and not an enemy because today's beauty standards are very cruel and many people end up starving themselves to achieve these standards.

  5. Hi Siya, your blog was really interesting. Food is definitely power, no matter how you look at it. It gives us the strength we need to survive. Honestly I am having a hard time responding to your blog simply because what you said is true, and always will be.

  6. Hi Siya, I agree with your stance on the power of nutrition. The food that we eat is definitely super important in promoting our health and wellbeing. When we get busy, it's really easy to forget about taking the time to eat a sufficiently nutritious and healthy meal, but it should be a priority. The psychological benefits of eating healthy food are also immense—it feels great to eat things that you know are making you healthier.

  7. Hey Siya, This stance of the power nutrition has over people is really interesting and i have never thought about it like that. I didn't ever recognize that nutrition has such an effect on us like i knew the basics but didn't consider the power of nutrition.


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