Daniel Alvizo, Week 11 Hang In There 2/16

 I am so tired right now. I have been working on an entire week’s math homework, my POAS essay, my Spanish project, my physics homework (which coincidentally is about power and energy), my annotations, and now Blogger. However it has given me an idea for what to write at least. Power can manifest in many different ways and forms. I tried encompassing it all into three categories for my last blog. However while tackling my enormous workload, I realized that I forgot one. The power of determination. I guess I forgot it because it is not like the other three in that it doesn’t act on something or someone, but on yourself. Determination is the will to continue even when success seems impossible. In retrospect I can’t believe that I didn’t think of this as power because with it, you can endure almost anything. You can surpass any barrier or limit. Without it you can’t really do anything. Listen to me, I sound like an inspirational cat poster. This is what happens when you work for hours on math and physics: words just don’t work anymore. The only reason I can still do this is my determination to do well in this class. If that isn’t a power, I don’t know what is. I hope you all remember that determination is a power that everyone has. If you are thinking of giving up, convince yourself that you can continue and you will find the power to do so. Never give up. 


  1. Hi Daniel, I read your blog, which I find to be very inspiring. Life can get busy for everyone, and in today’s society, we are all expected to just push through and endure it. When we have many things piled up on our shoulders, our legs may feel tired, but as long as we set our foot across to continue walking down the path of determination, we can accomplish anything. It is important to work hard everyday, but keep in mind that it may look different for each day. I think this sort of mindset has the power to motivate people to push themselves through any difficulties.

  2. Hi Daniel,
    Despite their deceiving appearances, there exists sage wisdom in the ideals extolled by inspirational cat posters. When the going gets gets tough, it is ultimately the power of determination that gets us through things. I've also noticed that it's one of the hardest powers to come by; but once you are able to find a reason to be determined, not much can stand in your way. Good luck with your homework!

  3. Hi Daniel,
    First off, I would just like to say that I love the way that you phrase your blogs. They are always relatable in some way and establish a connection with the reader. When I read your ideas, I try to connect them to my own life or think about my actions. Secondly, determination contains an extraordinary amount of power. If I was not determined to earn my second-degree black belt in taekwondo, I definitely would have given up during the outdoor conditioning portion of the test. It takes an exceptional amount of willpower to get through tough times. Often, people begin contemplating purpose and when they find no clear answer, things fall into the gutter. Not having determination can be extremely dangerous to a person's health and I think everyone needs a little bit of it to progress in society.

  4. I do not believe I have ever read a more personally relevant blog post, and as such I am really, really sorry that you feel so exhausted. I am nonetheless very grateful for your true and heartfelt words. Determination to succeed is honestly sometimes the only factor that pushes me to do my homework because after swim team practice all I want to do is sleep! You are doing a great job of not giving up--keep up the good work.

  5. Hi Daniel, I found you blog very motivational and relatable. I have also been swamped with work both this week and last week and was very exhausted and unmotivated as a result. However, the power of determination is what got me through my tiring week, especially my poas essay. It is also one of the hardest powers to control and get benefits out of. However we can get through these next few months. Like you mentioned, never give up.

  6. Hi Daniel, your blog was extremely relatable as I too feel exhausted and unmotivated at the end of a long week; even on a Monday, sometimes. I loved your blog as it really talked about the importance (or power) of determination, as it is the thing that keeps us going. Some things which keep me determined include remembering the importance of having a successful career filled with joy; this is what gets me out of bed and ready to tackle my assignments.

  7. Hey Daniel, This blog is a much needed thing because of all the stress that went on last week it is nice for you to address it. I do agree that determination is power in it of itself because determination is the driving force behind a lot of work that is done and achievements that are met. determination is comparable to electricity in the fact that it is used as a battery to accomplish a goal that must be met.


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