Power Through Headphones- Siya Patil (Week 10)

 Power Through Headphones

Siya Patil

Week 11

    Songs are known for connecting with people in many ways, as they provide comfort to those needing it in their darkest times and happiness to those looking for a tune to vibe to. Overall, music seems to be a big part of peoples’ everyday lives, as you’ve probably never walked through the hallways without seeing at least a few people without a pair of headphones in their ears.

    As mentioned before, music represents a large portion of what makes a person feel “complete” and also happens to be an amazing topic of conversation. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about their favorite songs and describe them to be “as if someone put a stimulant in the song” due to how addicting they think it is (which by the way, is pretty hilarious to me.)    

    I’ve come to realize that music must hold some kind of “power” if people are so in love with it. According to an article by KQED, music has the potential to assist those with neurological deficits; in addition, patients can also regain their ability to speak through melodic intonation therapy. These procedures make such a great difference in patients’ lives, which is one way a song can forever leave a positive impact on someone. 

Bad days are long, gruesome, tiring days that no one can avoid, and they might happen multiple times in a short period of time; and let’s be real, we’ve all had some. Whether it be heartbreak, stress, or just feelings of emptiness, there will always be a song to serve as a support system while you are not at your best. Lyrics are often a music enthusiast’s best friend, as they perfectly mimic exactly what you may be going through, helping you realize that you are not alone. A four-minute song can help improve a 24 hour day; looks like a steal to me!

What is your favorite song, and why?

Photo Source: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/2058303/headset_listen_listening_man_music_people_person_icon
Info About Music: https://www.npr.org/2011/06/01/136859090/the-power-of-music-to-affect-the-brain


  1. Hi Siya, I read your blog, and I could really relate to the point you made about the power of music. Music has the ability to touch people’s hearts and convey emotions that cannot otherwise be felt through words. Sometimes after a long day of school, I find it refreshing to lay my head down and play some songs on my speaker, allowing myself to escape into the realm of music. This short 20 minute break surely helps me recharge and boosts my mood.

  2. Hi Siya, I agree with the paint you made that music is a big part of people's everyday lives. Music can connect people and make them feel better about themselves. It can also help people express their emotions or get through a bad day. I usually like listening to music while taking a break from doing homework because it allows me to destress and let my mind wander.

  3. I feel that music is both appreciated and underappreciated. On one hand, many enjoy listening to a good beat but on the other, most musicians remain unnoticed and few ever achieve the recognition they deserve. It really makes sense that music has such a positive impact on people with neurological disorders, as I find it so personally calming!

  4. Hi Siya,
    Music is such a large part of my life, so I definitely agree with how powerful it can be. One great song has the ability to get me through a bad day or even a bad week. Music motivates me to keep going, no matter what I am doing. It also has tons of mental and health benefits, as in many places it is used as a form of therapy. Music allows for brains to effectively develop and for elders to reduce stress. Doctors even emphasize that it is important for babies to be exposed to music from a young age so that infant brain can grow stronger. Music is also a great way for artists to express themselves, and for regular people to display their identity.

  5. Hi Siya,
    As a musician, I know firsthand the power of music. music is a way for people to express emotions in a language anyone can understand. if that's not powerful, I really don't know what is. People's love for music is a way to bring people together. Shared experiences and ideals draw people to different styles of music. You can tell a lot about a person from what kind of music they like. Music shapes the world, and often we can't even see it. An indescribable power indeed.

  6. Hey Siya, I really agree and resonate with your blog this week. Music is such a influential and powerful thing that we all have at our figure tips. I actually wrote a blog last semester about music and how it helps us identify our selves and how it has affect on our identities and how what type of music we listen to makes us who we are. Personally my favorite song at the moment is Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish because of the way the tempo and melody of the song is formatted and I can just personally relate to the song right now with where I am in my life right now. What is your favorite song?

  7. Hi Siya,
    I agree that music is essential in many people's lives. I think that music is a way to express yourself in different ways. From the tone of your voice to the artist's words, music can be made in many different ways. There is happy music, and there is sad music. Music is like a universal language similar to comedy.

  8. Hi Siya,
    To be honest, I have often underestimated the power of music. For the most part, it's been something that I've taken for granted. But the more I think about it, the more I agree with you; music is one of the few things that serves the wide spectrum of human emotion almost seamlessly. There always seems to be a song for however I'm feeling.


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