Memorial Mentality


 Memorial Mentality

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Memory. Memory is something that we all have but share little bits of. Memory affects each of us in many ways. Memory is something of an odd sort that can be used to influence our actions and how we approach certain things and events. We all associate our memories and past emotions to events that took place within those memories. An example of this could be the school we all hate taking tests and the many grueling times we do in AP English 11 or the carefree relaxing thoughts of summer without school and free of homework, tests, and timed writes. Our view on everything is dependent on our memories of these things another example could be Disneyland or Hollywood Studios and the exhilarating fun experiences you have had on the rides and the anticipation while waiting in the lines to get on those bright shining and climate rides such as the rapids or Matterhorn or even The Simpsons ride these thoughts being you to those emotions of amazement that you experienced the last time you rode these rides or had the pleasure of visiting these parks. We formulate our thoughts based on these past experiences and it is an amazing thing because it allows us to formulate a correct course of action based on our previous experiences with these things. An example of this staying with the Disneyland theme would be if you had gone on Splash Mountain and had absolutely hated the ride and how you got soaked on it you would know to stay away from the ride and not partake in the fun it is. It is through this process we can make educated decisions and we can allow our prior memories to help guide us in our process of formulation when making decisions whether they are small and insignificant or very important. We are guided by memories and how we make connections through our experiences to find an optimal choice.


  1. It is definitely true that we associate memories with the experiences that came with them. For example, I often associate North Carolina with happiness because a lot of my family lives there and I have fun every trip we take. Memories cause us to make assumptions about a lot of things as well. If something bad happens at a specific place, then we will think that something bad will always happen there. If we taste something bad, more than likely we will not eat that food often. Memories build the rest of our lives.

  2. Hi Jerome, I definitely agree that association by experience plays a large role in guiding our actions. What I find particularly interesting about past experiences is that they can be prompted in presented by what seems like all five senses. For instance, a well known example is how certain smells can strongly trigger past emotions. Whether we realize it or not, these small sensory inputs can (sometimes unconciously) lead to strong associations of memory and emotion.

  3. I can attest that associations and memories can greatly influence our attitudes! Their impact may either be positive, as in the case of the Disney analogy you used, or negative, as demonstrated by my cat’s aversion to her pet carrier regardless of where we are going. Such negative associations can be hard to destroy, which is annoying for cat owners across the world, but I am grateful that the positive ones fill us with joy on a regular basis!

  4. Hi Jerome, I found your blog on memory and their influence on attitudes really interesting. Associations between memories of our experiences can lead to both positive and negative attitudes. If you associate a rainy day with your memories of stepping in a puddle and getting your socks wet, your attitude regarding rain will change to a negative one.

  5. Hey Jerome, memory is an incredibly strange ability. It can definitely influence our decisions, and not always in good ways. If you misremember something for instance, you might make a decision opposite to what you wanted. Memory is a cool idea to think about, and there is still so much about it we do not understand.

  6. Hi Jerome, your blog made me think about how I have both good memories worth cherishing, and bad ones I'd like to forget. Although there are memories I'd love to get rid of, I think they also help me learn valuable lessons in my life. We cannot better ourselves or anything we do without making mistakes, so how do you know how to not make them again? It's through remembering!

  7. Hi Jerome, I really enjoyed reading your blog; it helped remind me of the many enjoyments as well as resentments in life. However, I found your point of memories being an important part of our human experiences in life to be intriguing. Rather than a mere collection of past events, memories also carry the emotions and feelings you feel during the time. In a way, memory helps shape our decisions and actions.


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