Daniel Alvizo 4/6 Who lives Who Dies Who Tells Our Story

 What will be our legacy? The blogs of the last week have done an excellent job of exploring what we remember and why we remember. However, I want to talk about how we will be remembered. I know we’re only in high school and no one wants to think about this kind of thing right now, but when thinking about memory, I kept thinking about how I would be remembered. What will I leave on this earth after I die? What will be in the history books if I even appear in them? I know that I want to create new things. Learn about this world and protect the good people in it. I guess that makes me sound pretentious. I guess I can live with that. After all, what determines if we are remembered, or what for? If we look at history, men and women are remembered for their actions. What they have given to humankind, or sometimes taken away. I think it’s important to think about what we want to be remembered for, so that more than a goal in life, we have a goal of something to leave behind. After all, the world will keep turning; it has long before us and it will long after. And since our time here is so short, we have to think about what it is we want to accomplish. What we want to be remembered for. In the comments next week, tell me what you guys want to be your legacies.


  1. Hi Daniel, I found your blog to be very interesting. Reading your work has helped me think about my purpose in life and what I am living for. Some people have big dreams, and want to accomplish great things in life that they will be remembered for. I, however, just want to live a stable humble life. As long as I am remembered by the people who care about me, I feel satisfied and happy with myself.

  2. Hi Daniel,
    Your blog reminded me that I am really scared about how I will be remembered. I really want to do something important in this world, but I often ask myself the same question over and over. How could one little girl possibly make such a big difference in this world. Especially if I, myself, am feeling a little lost. I have some pretty big dreams and I really want to be able to accomplish all of them, but I still do not know how that will affect others.

  3. Hi Daniel, this particular question has had me questioning many things before. Of course, the thought of death is scary as is, and now I often think about what's left of me after my death. Influencers, activists, and more obviously have something to leave behind, but what about the rest of us? I guess we don't need something to leave behind for all 7 billion people on this planet; instead, we could leave good memories of us with our loved ones instead.

  4. Hi Daniel, your blog was a very interesting take on legacy and I liked the reference to Hamilton in your title. Personally, I have never thought of this question but after reading your blog, I have started to wonder how I want to be remembered. Even though it may not be for something as big of an achievement that my name is written in a history book, I would like to be remembered in a positive and inspiring light by my loved ones.

  5. That is a very, very good question, and the answer has changed over time for me and will likely continue to change. I, like many others, often feel scared of being forgotten and my memory fading into oblivion. Lately I have been accepting that everybody will eventually be forgotten, a thought that is as freeing as it is terrifying because with that in mind, I can turn to making a positive difference in my community and among those closest to me simply by volunteering and being kind to others. It is amazing what an impact such actions have!

  6. Hi Daniel, the question of my legacy is certainly an intimidating one, but also important. To be honest, it's something I haven't given much thought to. What I can say with certainty, however, is that it would be nice to be remembered for having a positive impact on the world. And after having watched so many POAS presentations, I think it's now clear that there are many ways to do that.

  7. Hey Daniel, I feel like legacy is not something that we can predetermine but it is something that we have to work towards to receive. Even with this work legacies are never certain and we will never be able to bear the fruits of our labor with these legacies.

  8. Hi Daniel, I think that a great legacy is something that few people can have. However, everyone leaves back a legacy, large or small. Some people live their lives in a very average way and blend in with the crowd. Those people are the people who do not leave a substantial legacy. Nevertheless, everyone leaves an impact on the world, and I hope that I can leave a positive one.


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