Daniel Alvizo 3/2 Learn what power really is

 Power, expressed as Watts, is Kg(m^2/s^3). At least from a physics perspective. I think the real power however, is the fact that we know that. The knowledge we possess is truly more powerful than any weapon or emotion. I know I talked about the power of our mind in my first blog, but I really want to emphasize one point. More than knowledge or even our ability to maintain that knowledge, the most powerful ability we have, is to accumulate knowledge, that is to say, our ability to learn. As human beings we are constantly seeing new things, making mistakes, and trying new things, thus learning about the world around us. Through our ability to learn we can improve upon our mistakes, and teach the next generation what we have learned so that they can learn even more and build upon the collective knowledge of the species. It is because of our ability to learn that we have created so many of the inventions that we can’t imagine living without today, and are able to invent countless more as we learn more. Even the phrase “can’t imagine living without” cannot describe learning. I mean, can anyone actually think about what life would be like without the ability to learn? Sure it would make school obsolete, but how many other things? People may be able to imagine life without cars, houses, phones, even maybe cooking or talking. However, those are not the only things we have learned how to do. Even walking, eating, opening our eyes are things we have had to learn. Given that, It seems like the understatement of the universe to say be thankful for having the power to learn.


  1. Hi Daniel, I enjoyed reading your blog, and I believe that you brought out some really important points. Our ability to expand our knowledge is powerful in its own way. How we can use our knowledge and adapt to our environment is what makes us able to thrive in all parts of the world. Therefore, knowledge itself is a gem, and should be appreciated.

  2. The phrase “knowledge is power” rings true in your post. In all honesty, I had not given much thought to the power that lies just in our ability to learn before reading this post, but I completely agree. People fight for education in countries where that right has been taken away because they understand that. Your post also boosts my self esteem in a way, because the next time I am struggling to grasp a concept at school I can simply remind myself that I am lucky to be able to learn at all!

  3. Hi Daniel, I too think there is so much power in learning! If you think about it, we are as productive and successful as we are today since we are constantly using what we learned in appropriate situations. And, if we make mistakes along the way, it's totally okay as mistakes are what truly help us learn.

  4. Hi Daniel, I appreciate that you talked about the topic of learning versus just knowledge. I think that the concept of learning from mistakes to become the best version of yourself is incredible. People who are able to take constructive criticism and use it wisely are strong people. I think reaching the goal or actually learning how to do a specific thing is not as important as the journey. For example, if someone wanted to learn a language, being fluent is not as beneficial as building a concrete work ethic to attain the goal.

  5. Hi Daniel, I agreed with many points that you brought up in your blog about learning and knowledge. Knowledge is a very important aspect of life as it has been represented throughout history as light or something with the power to enlighten people. Learning from your mistakes also leads to knowledge. Overall, both knowledge and learning are very important throughout one's life and should be appreciated.

  6. Hi Daniel, the power of learning really cannot be overstated; as you have already mentioned in your post, it is singlehandedly responsible for progressing us to where we are today. I think that many people mistakenly do not consider learning a power because it requires effort and time. In reality, even the most impressive actions and powers require some effort on the part of the user, and the power of learning is no exception.

  7. Hey Daniel, Soooooo you already know my take on this one haha. I believe that power is defiantly knowledge however it is how that knowledge/ power is use that determines the true scope of the power it holds. This power is equivalent to the power of fear in the fact that is is only as powerful as you can make it if it is insignificant to u like u would think of knowing where that penny yiu got yesterday was where as if it was your POAS grade you would give it more power over your emotions.


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