Ananya Kulkarni (Week 12) - The Power of Technology

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We live in a world where we absolutely cannot imagine how we would conduct our daily lives without the presence of technology. Technology is everywhere, from your thermostat that controls your heater to the laptop you use to write your bi-weekly blog posts. Technology has the power to change people's lives in both positive and negative ways.

One powerful aspect of technology is that it allows us to do more with less. For example, most industries have used technology to speed up processes and produce more consumable products. It also helps save time and can help to create new learning opportunities. Another use of technology that comes to mind is communication. Whether you are texting your friend next door or calling your relatives in another country across the world, technology is what allows you to connect with many different people in all kinds of places. Technology gives people the chance to reach out beyond their homes for conversation and gives them a chance to maintain relationships with family and friends.

Social media is a wonderful form of communication and expressing your opinions. However, there are large downsides to being careless with social media. Cyberbullying. Harassment. Anxiety. These are all very prevalent topics that surround the use of social media and harm many people every day. Some people may also argue that the increased use of technology such as social media, leads to the lack of an emotional connection to the other person or people in a conversation. In addition, technology, especially newer types, is not easily accessible to some socioeconomic groups due to its cost. Despite all the pros, one thing to remember is that technology is powerfully destructive. 


  1. Hi Ananya, I enjoyed reading your blog, and I found your assessment on the benefits and concerns of rising technology to be very informative. Technology connects the world, and makes many of our daily tasks simpler to achieve. However, technology also gives wide access to people with bad intentions to impose hurtful actions on others. Therefore, it is important to know the powers and limitations of such technology.

  2. You make a very compelling argument, and I appreciate your fair inclusion of both sides. I personally am a bit more against technology than for it because of all the cons you mentioned. While technology can be wonderful, I think there is something to be said for existing without a screen constantly in your face. Then again, modern medicine has saved millions of lives...

  3. Hi Ananya, I too agree that there is a lot of power in technology; for us, it'd be pretty hard to imagine a life without it. We use technology for many things; keeping communication with loved ones, sending emails, browsing the internet, online shopping- the list is pretty much endless. But, I love how you also discussed the downsides of technology; therefore, there is also power in being responsible on the internet, making it a safe and fun experience for everyone.

  4. Hi Ananya,
    Advancements in technology have been incredible in our society. It has allowed hard labor to be done more efficiently and resources to become more easily accessible. For example, books. Books contain knowledge that every individual should know at least some aspect of. However, not everyone would be able to read if books were solely to be bought or borrowed from libraries and bookstores. E-books allow for people to read anywhere they wanted, such as, during class. Online access also provides hyperlinks to reviews and other important things. Moreover, technology makes things happen faster and easier.

  5. Hi Ananya, I definitely agree that the power of technology, like many other powers, is a double edged sword. For one, it allows for speedy and effective communication (like we are doing right now!) and gives voice to a wide range of perspectives. But also, like you've mentioned, it can be used for hate. In the end, it falls upon us, the consumers of technology, to ensure it is used responsibly.

  6. Technology is a staple of the world we currently live in. It is amazing just how much we rely on technology in this day and age. Last year we couldn't even go to school without technology. Of course as you mentioned, there is a dark side to technology, that being the lack of inhibitions that comes with anonymity, the complete destruction of privacy in a digitally encompassing environment, and the ever looming threat of an apocalypse brought about by hyper intelligent AI. Still, for all its faults technology is truly a remarkable thing.

  7. Hi Ananya, The power of technology is so massive now that I think it might be the most powerful thing in the world. If you think about it, if one person completely took over our devices, the world would go into a frenzy. That one person would have access to nearly everything in the world, like documents, pictures, bank information. It is almost scary to think about how much technology controls us.

  8. Hey Ananya, i cant help but to agree that technology is a superpower of its own and the social medias it has does add to its appeal making it more influence and allowing it to holds more power over people and their lives such as Instagram or snapchat both apps that are well known and a majority of us have and have used in our lives.


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