The Power of Fear


The Power of Fear

Fear is a concept that we have all witnessed and have felt. Some of us with the Poas assignment that was just due. Others with other things like spiders or like heights. My personal fear has just been reached with my Poas assignment. I was so afraid of not turning it in on time and in that fear of getting it done I forgot a crucial part about finishing it up the time and the 3 citations I still needed to cite properly.  Although I could not get the citations done I was able to turn the assignment in with literal seconds to spare before it was late and the extra credit was gone forever, kind of like my sleep schedule this past week thanks to Poas. So to me fear is a real and powerful thing because fear is a great motivator to get people working. Everyone can relate to fear because we all have our own. Fear has the power over the mindscape such as nightmares which we all have had eventually. Fear is also desirable sometimes for some odd reason but people like to be afraid and an example of this is people who like haunted houses or scary movies. Also the people who like horror films are a part of those who have no problem with being afraid. However, fear plagues our lives as we navigate through them living to be afraid and held in the clutches of fear. All of us have been fearful in our lives whether we would like to admit it or not however there are so many fears to be had in our lives. It is these fears that hold power not physical power but mental and emotional power.


  1. Hi Jerome, I read your blog, and I find your description on the power of fear to be very relatable. POAS, for example, led me to fear my ability to write as I knew that this was a major writing assignment that would determine my overall grade in the class. However, it is the same fear that I work with when writing my paper that helps me grow and improve my writing skills. Fear, therefore, is a powerful element, but as long as we learn how to overcome it, we can become better versions of ourselves.

  2. Hi Jerome,
    To quote a certain well known sci-fi novel, "fear is the mind-killer." But your post was a good reminder that fear can also be a powerful motivator in the right places. Indeed, if it wasn't for my fear of deadlines, I doubt that I would get some of my less interesting work done. But ultimately, fear is like any other power; it can be used and misused.

  3. Hi Jerome,

    I agree with your take on fear being powerful, but I believe there is more to it. Fear can me extremely beneficial in some cases and with the right amount of it. For example, if you are about to go on stage or perform at a big event, you are likely to be nervous about your performance, looks, or the outcomes of the event. However, this fear can motivate one of the best performances you have ever done. I believe that nerves can be transformed into a fantastic delivery. They can push your adrenaline and lead you to success.

  4. I definitely experienced a lot of fear with that POAS assignment! This emotion plays a significant role in our lives whether we want it to or not. As far as I understand, people who love horror movies, roller coasters, and haunted houses do not seek out fear itself. They are actually searching for an adrenaline rush in a controlled, safe environment. What makes fear so real is the accompanying lack of control. When you know that you are safe in a well-tested roller coaster, some of that terror dissipates. Perceived control is followed by the ability to relax and have fun!

  5. Hi Jerome, I found your blog about fear very relatable, considering how much stress the poas essay gave me. Fear is certainly a great motivator that can get people working. However, it can also ruin people's lives. It is important to not let your fears control you to the point where they are emotionally and mentally harmful.

  6. Hi Jerome, unfortunately it is true that fear has a quite a lot of power over us. But, that doesn't mean that we can't overcome it. And, I totally agree with you! POAS did cause a lot of fear within me, as it is a 130 points in the writing category. But, to get over the fear, I tried my absolute hardest to produce an engaging piece, and I think I did a pretty job; I'm sure you did too!

  7. Hi Jerome, thank you for writing about this topic. Personally, fear is my favorite emotion. I know that may sound weird, but when you think about it, fear is an internal warning and threat analysis system. Fear keeps us alive, and by extension lets us know that we are alive. At the same time sometimes we also have to learn when not to be afraid. In modern times, we don't have to fear every bush for predators, or every scrap of food for poison (at least not most of the time). Fear is a tool like any other, and like all tools can help or hurt you based on how you use it. Personally I use that knowledge to my advantage. My sometimes considered eccentric fashion of black leather and skulls is my own way of dealing with fear. "If I embrace fear" I tell myself, "If I become it, it will never harm me". Everyone says, "you have nothing to fear but fear itself". That is so dumb. Don't fear fear, use it.


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