Avinash Patel Per 5 Week 10: The power of communication

 I was thinking about types of communication in my history class, and I realized how many different types of communication there are. Verbal communication is just one of the many different types of communication. For example, in non-verbal communication, sometimes your body language can say a lot more than your words. Sometimes, people can say something, but their body language can say something else. There is also written communication, visual communication, and many more. The different types of communication can also work together. For example, texting on the phone is a type of visual and written communication that works together can make them both stronger. 

 Communication may be one of the essential skills to have in a team-like environment. Being able to master the different types of communication can help massively. Being good at communication allows you to relay information quicker. It helps make conversations quicker and gives you more time to work on other things. Many people say that communication is not essential, and I think communication is not as important for doing things yourself. But I have noticed that it is very rare to find work that you have to do entirely by yourself. I am sure that you always have to communicate with someone no matter what you do. Eventually, I hope that everyone can be good at communication because not only does it help yourself, but it also helps others. Communication is arguably one of the essential skills. Without it, we may not have done some of the things that have been accomplished. 


  1. Hi Avinash, I read your blog and I agree with many of your opinions on the power of communication. As humans, we each have our own opinions and ideas; however communication is the only way to make our thoughts known to others. Effective communication is very powerful as it has direct influence over the outcome of an event. In addition, many people build relationships and trust through constant communication with each other.

  2. Hi Avinash, I agree with the points you made in your blog about the power of the different types of communication. Like you mentioned, the different types of communication can be used in combination to strengthen overall communication. Communication is essential and knowing how to communicate with others will be beneficial in your day to day life. It can also influence others as well and how they interact with you.

  3. I completely agree that communication is extremely important. I have heard people, particularly family members, remark that it does not matter how wonderful a person’s ideas are, or how much intelligence they possess, or how many extraordinary talents they boast if they cannot communicate and apply any of those assets to their work. Differences in communication can create conflicts and good communication can solve them, and being able to solve problems is incredibly useful, as you mentioned, especially when working with others.

  4. Hi Avinash, I completely agree. Communication is an essential tool in our world. Honing that skill is a task that takes a lifetime, and is never truly mastered. Words have so much power, because they allow us to convey ideas and show others how we experience the world. Communication is a symbol of how we work together and share this world. The conveying of ideas is one of the things that make the human race so formidable, and has allowed us to learn so many new ideas, and build such impressive things.

  5. Hi Avinash, the beginning of your blog makes me think of how important body language is, and I guess how much power it holds as well! If I were talking to someone with crossed arms, I'd definitely think they're not interested in talking to me; but, if they're moving their hands around while talking to me, I'd know that they want to keep the conversation going. So, there is a power in our daily conversations, as actions can say what words can't speak.

  6. Hi Avi,
    The power of communication is incredible and the way that it is transformed through the years is mind blowing. For example, the printing press was created years ago and that was the very start of relaying information throughout the globe. It allowed newspapers, magazines, books, and so much more to be created. People could hold valuable knowledge in their very hands. I agree with the point you made about body language speaking louder than words sometimes. If someone is feeling upset but will not say anything about it and then slumps their body or trudges around, you can tell that they are upset. It is essential to be knowledgeable in all types of communication.

  7. Hi Avinash, I definitely agree with your main points—communication is incredibly important. Without clear and precise communication, even the greatest of ideas can fade into obscurity. There are probably countless accomplishments that would not have come to fruition without great communication. There is strength in numbers, but only if those numbers of people are able to understand one another.

  8. Hey Avinash, I can completely agree that communication is powerful because it can create many beautiful things when done correctly. However when done incorrectly communication is a disastrous thing that can create huge problems that cannot be resolved. I believe that communication is the key to everything and that anything can be obtained through proper communication.


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