Ananya Kulkarni (Week 10) - The Power of Fiction

Can fictional books have any other influence on a person than just providing entertainment? Of course, they can. Fictional stories give many people a way to destress and kick back and relax while reading a book. Fiction is a powerful way to tap into your creativity, be more accepting, and understand others.

Recently, I came across an article about the different benefits and influences of fiction. In the article, it mentioned how reading fictional books can spark creativity. Many fictional books have an ambiguous ending, unlike movies and nonfictional books. This gives the readers more room for their imagination to run wild. Even not liking the ending of the book could incite creativity as it can lead to people trying to make up their own endings or thinking of the many possible endings the book could have had. 

Fiction can also influence people to be more accepting of themselves as well as others. The article mentioned how fiction can help readers see and understand the "perspective of marginalized groups." Often in many fictional books, the main character of one of the main characters is sunned by the rest of society and goes through a very different life than the other characters in the book. By reading these characters' thoughts and feelings, readers are introduced to a new perspective that can be applicable to the real world. Seeing many things from a different point of view can also help build a sense of empathy towards others. Narratives can offer a unique opportunity to engage with empathy as readers might be able to identify with characters' longings and interactions with their loved ones. Readers might also be able to relate to the struggles that these characters go through and get a sense of closure from fiction.

The power of fiction and books is not something to be looked over. Personally, I love to read fictional books and have been impacted by them throughout my life. Whether it is something as simple as destressing or plunging into a world that could only be found in dreams, fiction is something that should be experienced by everyone.


  1. Hi Ananya, I read your blog, and I found your take on the power of fiction to be very interesting. As a child, I have always loved reading fairy tales and fantasy genre books; not only were they interesting, but they also allowed me to develop my imagination of the plot and characters. Fiction can also be used to write about more sensitive topics, and can be used as a way to connect with others.

  2. Hi Ananya, sometimes I like to see fiction books as an "escape" or sequel to a normal life! As you mentioned, some fiction books have crazy, out-of-this-world endings which can't happen in real life, but that's the fun of fiction. And, books are all around known for bringing comfort to those who may need it. Plus, it's really fun to think of a scenario that could never exist on planet Earth!

  3. Thank you for dedicating one of your posts to fiction books because they truly deserve that kind of appreciation. I think part of what makes them so impactful is that readers enjoy positioning themselves in the role of the main character. If this character is somebody readers admire, they may try to adjust their behavior according to what they feel that fictional character might do. This gives book authors a lot of power that, as you mentioned, is often used for good.

  4. Hi Ananya, I love reading fictional books because they allow me to live in that fantasy world for just a moment. It allows me to leave stress and worry behind. Fiction is amazing because it is not real. It allows us to see new worlds we can only imagine, and our minds determine how we see that new world. Thank you for writing this blog, it was really fun to read and think about how fiction affects us.

  5. Hi Ananya,
    I definitely agree that fictional books are the heart of creativity within humans. That is the very reason that young children are encouraged to read tons of fiction. It gives them tons of ideas and things to analyze, without even knowing it. For example, once I read about Junie B. Jones making a lemonade stand in one of the books and then I made one of my own in real life. It was a fun experience because it was something I had never done before. I went out of my comfort zone as a child and tried something new. For older kids, it is an amazing de-stressing mechanism. It is important for older kids to get away from their daily lives and do something that makes them feel good. A fictional book offers just that.

  6. Hi Ananya, reading fiction novels is one of my favorite pastimes so I wholeheartedly agree that fiction has power. Aside from its ability to bring forth creativity and emotion, I also like how you brought up its applicability to real life as well. Sometimes, I think that it is easier to understand and confront real life issues when they are first brought up within a fictional framework. But ultimately, I believe that fiction's strongest power lies in its ability to act as an escape away from everything else.

  7. Hi Ananya,
    Fictional books are essential for everyone but especially kids. As a child, can you imagine not having an imagination? I shiver in fear and hope that never happens to anyone as I write that. Having an imagination was the best part of childhood. Unfortunately, now some of us are so indulged in work that we have barely any time to be allowed to have an imagination.

  8. Hey Ananya, I believe that fiction the power of creativity. I believe this because creativity is the power that comes from the creators. It is this creativity that gives fiction life and power that is used to brig forth pathos. It is these properties that gives creativity it's power.


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