Avinash Patel Week 9: The Power of Voice

    I read my poas book, and my person of American significance highlighted that we all have a voice. As we have seen in this past year, our collective voice can do many things. Social reform is one of them, and we saw it in the past year with the BLM movement. We took command and forced a fundamental change in modern society's thinking and operation. But, our voice also has power. We see it every day; whether you are listening to a big podcast or a random person yelling on the street, all of those voices impact you somehow. The ability of voices to inspire us and our voices to inspire is very powerful. But, unfortunately, I think that too many people take their voices for granted. 



    One thing that stood out to me from my poas was that every voice is heard, which made me think back to our developing years. Did everything we hear go into our subconscious mind, and do they still affect us today? I remember a specific time when I was watching The Godfather, and one of the characters said, "Great men are not born great, they grow great". This is one thing that stuck with me, and it pushes me to work towards being better every day. Everyone has or should have something that inspires them to be better every day. Every person has a voice, but they do not always use it to improve or help make someone else better. Therefore, we should not take our voice for granted but instead use it for good.  


  1. Hi Avinash, our voice is a powerful weapon. We should definitely be careful how we use it. At the same time we have a responsibility to use our voice in support of what we believe in. Like you said, voices have a powerful impact on how we learn and grow. Voices can shape our ideas or personalities. Voices are incredibly powerful. We have and obligation to use it wisely.

  2. Who is your Person of American Significance? They sound very inspiring. You are right that people often take their voices for granted--from a more literal perspective, I do not think many of us even appreciate our ability to speak. Our voices give us so much power and we should definitely use them for good, because the things we hear from and tell others do impact our lives, as your example of the powerful quote from The Godfather proves.

  3. Hi Avi,
    Voice is an extremely powerful weapon. It is important for people to realize that what they say truly makes a difference in society. Staying quiet is the worst possible thing that any citizen could do. For example, if the majority of people who were eligible to vote did not, the outcome would be biased. The decision would affect the entire country and its future. If there were not large crowds of people participating in protests, then there would be no change. People's voices are crucial for change and change is thus crucial for a successful future.

  4. Hi Avinash, I like your reference to the movie about growing to be "great," instead of being born "great." I think that our voices should be loud and heard, especially about the things we truly care about. Exercising our voices for the good is an important trait, and if we don't do so, I would say that it is rather foolish to expect change for the better. Our true success is measured by being a moral citizen; what better way to ensure this than by using our voices, gifts in disguise!

  5. Hi Avinash, I read your blog, and I found your opinion on the power of voice to be very interesting. I agree that we all have power instituted in our voice. Words can define a person, convey their ideas, and communicate their thoughts with others. It can influence and motivate people to act in certain ways. However, with this power also comes great responsibility. When granted with the power through our words, we need to be sure to use it for positive change.

  6. Hi Avinash, I liked your blog on the power of voice and how it can be used for many things, whether simple or big. It is also very important to be careful while thinking how to use our voice because sometimes words can be harmful and get twisted as well. The words we use help people communicate with each other and let their opinions be voiced out to everyone. I also liked the quote that you mentioned, "Great men are not born great, they grow great." This quote also contributes to the idea that people should learn how to use their words in a way that will be both beneficial to themselves as well as others.

  7. Hi Avinash, the power of one's voice is not someting to be neglected, and I definitely agree that it is sometimes taken for granted. In a world where not everyone has the power of voice, it is at least twice as important that those who do stand up for the rest who do not. In order to ensure that every voice is heard (like you mentioned in your post), those who already have the power of voice must speak up.

  8. Hey Avinash, I cant help but agree with the fact that people do often forget to use their voices in our social communities today and I also agree that people are silenced by others in out society causing movements like the BLM movement you mentioned to be created nd called for by society to help bring light to these problems so they can be recognized and hopefully fixed. I also find that the use of ones voice is important because if people don't speak out and fight against injustice like the people of the BLM movement there will be no change.


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