Ananya Kulkarni (Week 9) - The Power of Language

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Language is one of the most influential and powerful things in our world. It is used to communicate ideas to others and holds a special power. Simple phrases can have a drastically negative or positive impact on others, whether they are intended or not. 

Recently, I read an article by CRIN (Child Rights International Network) talking about the different impacts language has on individuals as well as groups. One example that was in the article was about dictatorships. The tyrants of dictatorships use language through the use of propaganda and televised speeches to "garner uncritical support" and a sense of loyalty from the people living in that country. On the flip side, language is also used to inspire rebellion and ignite criticism against dictatorships. 

There were also many examples of how language can be used to express a variety of thoughts. For example, the word "no" can be a powerful word because it stops people from assuming and expecting things. However, this word does not always have to be used in a negative way. It can be challenged to change from "no, you can't" to "no, I can." Another example of the power of language is through stereotypes. Labels like these can be misleading and have been used to hurt many people in history as well as the present day.

The article also brings up an interesting idea that language is not only a form of communication but also has the power to convey ideas and keep them in an audience's mind. These ideas can do a variety of things from changing or reinforcing opinions to evolving into more ideas that can strengthen or weaken the main idea. Another interesting idea was brought up saying that no single idea exists without opposition and opposition is always done through language, whether it be speeches, drawings, or any other type of communication.


  1. Hi Ananya, I love what you said in your blog! Your blog reminds me of a thriller action movie, where the hero says simply one word to the villain, and it changes everything. That's why, from a young age, I've been able to recognize the power in our own words. I also agree with the last part of your writing, when you talked about how there was always be some sort of opposition to any idea. This opposition can only be done through language, and further proves how much power words hold.

  2. Hi Ananya, language is fascinating. Language allows us to convey ideas and emotion, in a way others can easily understand. Language has evolved as our society has grown, and now even the simplest words have many meanings and can be interpreted in many ways. The nuance and evolution of our written and spoken language is incredibly complex which allows us to convey such a variety of ideas. Language is a power unparalleled.

  3. Hi Ananya,
    Language definitely a powerful figure in society. It is used on a day-to-day basis for communication. Without language, humans would have an incredibly hard time advancing. Not only is language the means for communication, but it can also be used to convince people of a certain point. For example, in history class we are learning about how leaders use a certain type of language to either bring about a sense of unity or pin people against each other. Language has always proved useful in many communities.

  4. I completely agree that language is extremely powerful! Your blog gives me the impression that speech is a double edged sword--it can both end violence and create it. I had never before thought of ideas as being non-existent without opposition but that is a really fascinating perspective that brings to mind several examples. For instance, the lightbulb would not have been created if being in the dark was not an inconvenience, and JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series while waiting tables; there were several factors against her but she persevered and used her language to create something many deem great.

  5. Hi Ananya, I read your blog, and I found your take on the power of language to be very interesting. I strongly believe in the power words can hold; they can convey a single thought or a heartfelt message. Words have to power to move people’s hearts, and communicate ideas with one another. They can spark change, movement, and motivation within people; proving the immense power words hold.

  6. Hi Ananya, I agree with your opinion on the power of words. Words can be powerful or have no meaning at all. Sometimes it can feel like you listen to things, and then they leave you the next second. We all have times when we are listening to someone, and then we zone out and completely forget what the person is saying.

  7. Hi Ananya, I think it's interesting and important that you brought up the nuances of language's power. The point you made about dictatorships really made sense to me—sometimes it's not about who has the most military power or economic prosperity, but rather about who controls the language and words of a nation. And if you think about it, some of the most successful revolutions can attribute much of their success to efficient communication.

  8. Hi Ananya, I like your presented opinion of the power words hold because words are powerful. I also agreed with the fact that words are only one for of communication but that they also hold the most power. It is a correct statement and I agree with it because words do hold power and it isn't about power or what is powerful words are based on expression and can be given power through this expression.


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