Amani Khanna- Week 10: Expressive Power


As a collective blog group, we have been talking about literal power within people. However, I believe we are missing the elemental power in expression. Individuality shapes society.

I personally, cannot complete my homework assignments without listening to a good song alongside. Music places me in an alternate reality. It allows me to feel alive in a world that might not seem as such and it is definitely not limited to homework. A song with a hard-hitting beat gives me the strength to push through a particularly difficult workout or even just ensures that I do not get bored while doing my laundry. Music is my motivation to keep moving. As a dancer for a little more than nine years, expression is my guide to maintain a stable lifestyle. It is one of those things that I can spend an excessive amount of time on and still not get tired of it. I grew up around music, which is probably why I am such an art-oriented person, but this can apply to a very large group of people in the world.

The wonderful thing about expression is that it does not require much skill to perform. What makes it so powerful is the ability to influence and create change. For example, it anyone can throw a bunch of lines on a piece of paper and call it a day. I have been doing that since preschool.  The effort is in the story that unfolds when the lines transform into a pathway disappearing into the distance. Dancers do not have to follow a specific choreography. A contemporary, freestyle still gets an audience to feel. The purpose of expression is to encourage people to think about their own interpretations. Thus, promoting more individuality and expression. It is all interconnected to make a powerful impact.


  1. Hi Amani, I read your blog, and I am really happy to learn that you find significance in the expressions of the music and arts. Like you, I also really enjoy listening to music; I believe that music has the power to express feelings that cannot be expressed through regular conversations. Expression allows people to voice their own ideas and interpretations, and is a truly powerful tool that can leave an impact on others.

  2. Hi Amani, your blog reminded me of my own blog! I also talked about a power through art, and how music contains so much power of us without us realizing; it ends up helping us, so we tend to back to the comforts of a good song. Other than songs, even a dance performance or painting can reflect someone's feelings and thoughts and can portray what words cannot say. To me, that's phenomenal and it creates talented artists!

  3. Hi Amani, I agree with the points that you made in your blog about the power of expression, especially through art. I also believe that music has a unique power that can do a variety of things from motivating people to helping them express their emotions better. Music also can help to enhance our emotions at certain times. The power of expression can also be seen through many other things such as dancing and painting which can be very impactful to others.

  4. I really admire dancers’ and writers’ abilities to make people feel. It seems so effortless but I know that it often is not. I agree that people who have that much influence over others’ emotions have great power, which is why I think I should make an effort to incorporate more art into my life. I expose myself to very little compared to people like you--or my sister, who is also a dancer.

  5. Hi Amani, I totally agree with your blog. Power comes in more ways than one, and in the case of music, can be a great force to help you push through struggles. Expression and emotion are at the heart of the human experience. Without them, we would be walking through this world with no purpose, with no reason to exist. Emotion is true power, and it is interpreted differently by everyone.

  6. Hi Amani, expression truly is a force to be reckoned with. I think the world would be a pretty dull place without the art and literature that is fueled by expresssion. It's easy to think to the traditional explanations and examples of power since they are so entrenched in society. Your post is a good reminder, though, that there exist many other important forms of power.

  7. Hey Amani, I can help but agree that true expression is a really powerful and forceful thing. It is about how those lines devolve into a world of their own to create a story. This story is one of our own making specialized for us and it is a very impressive use of power.

  8. Hi Amani,
    It is essential to be able to express yourself. For example, I think a significant part of feeling sad or angry is not expressing yourself. Sometimes people bottle their emotions up instead of telling other people, and they can not hold it in forever. Luckily you have found a way that you can express yourself freely. Expression is essential in life, no matter what form it is in.


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